Week Four || Cooler Heads Prevailed

Healing is hard work; healing takes time. These two statements are like constant companions. I try to sit with them, hold their hands, and let them speak to me because, as my mother can attest, ever since the moment I was born, I’ve been in a rush. I used to think this busyness proved my value. I understand better now that I don’t have to constantly prove my value: I can just be. (And I’m slowly getting better from the recent ill-times, I’m happy to report!)

I’ll admit, I’m starting to understand some of the lessons this pandemic is trying to teach me. To slow down, and to BE STILL. And the Maryland weather is helping. It’s been too cold most days to spend more than an hour or so outside, and so I’ve been unable to get photographs to use in my digital collage….this meant that most of the week, I needed to find a creative spark elsewhere.

Well, when I started experimenting with the Procreate drawing program last year, I ended up drawing lots and lots and lots of lines. I created animations for each of the 10 songs on the “Collage” record and they all had a LOT OF LINES. This week, that desire to draw lines came back and some weird stuff happened and I mean, weird good, not weird weird.

As always, I hope you enjoy. And I’m glad that January is almost over. In February, I’m going to do something else for a daily practice—maybe NOT so many selfies. So I hope you enjoyed my direct gaze for a month, because next month it’s going to be something weirder. Good weird….don’t worry!