Week Three || Exhale
The new medication was causing a daily headache from 2-8PM, for seven straight days. I thought frequently, “How long do I wait if the medicine is worse than the problem?” Happy to report: my body seems to have adjusted somewhat and with the return of some energy, I’ve been able to get more work done.
That, plus the installation of a new administration for the federal government of the US, has me feeling like I just exhaled after holding my breath for a very.long.time. I wonder if you might relate?
After my wreck, my heart and eyes were open to those who deal with chronic pain. It is a MIND BENDER. I understood how pain can be like a big, painful, pulsating blob of red that pushes all thought and energy to the periphery. So even though this week is nothing like it was a few years ago, the chronic headaches made me feel listless, uninspired. When looking back through the images, I see that I am trying to find a visual way to convey sinus pain, throat soreness and worrisome congestion. (PS. I am much improved, don’t worry!)
For this reason, I am grateful to have a reason to do a daily documentation for this project. To continue to look into my own eyes, and feel responsible to myself and to you, to continue to try to make sounds and images each day. They might not have been as ‘in-depth’ as I would have liked in terms of composition or creativity, but I could cheer myself on by saying to myself: “Hey, you showed up today. That’s enough.”
Thank you for helping me to show up this past week. I needed it.