Welcome to my "Executive Producer" page!

If you are here, it is because you are one of my Bandcamp subscribers. THANK YOU.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

I have decided that the best way to describe what you are supporting is that you are acting as my “EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS.” You are financially supporting ALL of my experiments, including what will be 40 live stream events since April 1, 2020; a video diary series about my trek to Texas and back to see my family; song snippets that will turn into larger works, and drawings and animations that assist in my recovery and exploration of my world, both exterior and interior.

Over the last two months, I have been creating in media that are unfamiliar to me, video, drawing and animation, and have been hindered by a sense of perfectionism. I made a promise to give you a glimpse into my creative process, but felt that since Bandcamp is a listening/sound platform, that I might not be able to fit on there ALL that I’ve been creating unless I attached sounds/songs to it. This blog page is my effort to easily allow you private access what I create in different formats, as well as a place for me to gather it all.

I promise you this stuff will be open, weird, vulnerable, sometimes funny, sometimes poignant. I hope that you will feel your support is beneficial in this world, because it certainly makes a huge difference in mine.
